An interactive sky map created in pure javascript, without any dependencies.
Browse over 118K objects from the NGC, Messier, and Hipparcos catalogs by panning, zooming, and changing the time. Explore the sky with your mobile device using "AR" capabilities!
(view controls)
⏮︎ : Decrease or reverse playback speed (key: ←)
⏸︎⏵︎: Play/Pause playback (key: P)
⏭︎ : Increase or reverse playback speed (key: →)
⏺︎ : Set time/speed to present local time (key: N)
AR: Toggle AR mode on supported devices (key: R)
⛶ : Fullscreen mode (key: F)
☁☼: Toggle atmosphere display (key: A)
# : Toggle Azumithal Grid (key: Z)
? : Show this welcome/help screen again (key: ?)
Space Key: Center selected object on screen
Esc Key: Clear object selection
The URL hash (after the #) contains the following info that is used to share a display view. It's all pretty
easy to understand, but the 'phi' value is altitude in degrees, and the 'theta' value is azumith in degrees.